



I love memoir. I like to write in that genre. I love to read the brilliance and resiliency of a life's journey. I am featuring one of my favorite memoirs by Regina Calcaterra called Etched in Sand. Dive in and be absorbed! 



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I started using Rodan + Fields skin care and love it. My favorite product is Lash Boost. Here are my 2 month results. 



Darling Magazine is pure art. It is the dream child of a young woman with roots in my small town. I champion this magazine because Sarah Dubbeldam infuses authenticity and straight-up untouched beauty. Beauty with bumps and curves and different shapes. No apologies. Beauty we all have and beauty we all need.

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Essential Oils

I began using essential oils 10 years ago when a friend convinced me to try one to get rid of my son's ear infection. To tell you the truth, I was highly skeptical. Rub an oil here and it will do what? But IT WORKED! In those days I felt as if I were lugging toddlers to the doctor all the time. And THANK GOD for physicians! However, to find some natural remedies to use at home was a lifesaver (not to mention an emotional health preservation!).  I am including a link to my favorite and reputable essential oil company here. As of this very day, I have yet to "sell" an oil. I just order at my cost for my friends. However, if you want to sign up to distribute (it's all so you can get the wholesale pricing), here is my referral number to get you started. It's painless. Jill Dyer # 1116545



My friend, Jason Neff, created this great t-shirt with one of my poems. I love it and hope you will too!